
👋 Welcome

Birtly is your fastest path to personal and team productivity

Welcome to our documentation.

Birtly is a collaborative task and project management app.

Productivity is a big category and there are a lot of great apps out there. Some people ask if there are too many options for project management and task completion. In our opinion the answer is "no."

Here's why:

Every brain works differently. Some people may do better with a complex app with strong opinions and a rigid workflow. Some teams may prefer essentially a "no code" tool to build their own workflow precisely how they need.

For our team and the thousands of Birtly users, we want something that is really fast, clean and simple, while still giving you the power to organize complex projects.

To meet this goal, Birtly picks the most important features to manage projects and pulls them together in a workflow that is intuitive and flexible.

Quick Overview

Birtly is organized by workspaces. Our current free and premium split is based on workspace features. All users can have unlimited workspaces with basic features. Paid users can have a single workspace with premium features (startup plan) and premium users can have as many premium features as they like. You can learn more about our pricing and robust free tier here.


Workspaces are top-level groups where you can invite a specific set of team members. You can have a different team for each workspace.

Projects live inside workspaces. A workspace can have unlimited projects all shared by the same team. If you are a development team, maybe you have a workspace for a particular client and all of their work and sprints inside that workspace. If you are a law firm, maybe you have a workspace for each practice area, and all related cases are set up as projects inside that workspace.

Projects are where the work gets done. Our public roadmap is a project. You can share projects with the public like we have, but that is not the default. It is, however, a useful place to look at the primary views for tasks. There are three main views on the web: List, Board, and Timeline. These each display your tasks in a different way to give you an important overview of your work. We'll go into detail in each view elsewhere, but in brief: List view is about categorizing your tasks into sections to understand what kind of tasks they are. Board view is about seeing your tasks by status to understand the progress on the work. Timeline view is about blocking your work by time to understand when to complete your task. Combined you can organize your thoughts the best way for each moment.

The other major sections of Birtly are "chat" which offers slack-like chat channels arranged by the sections you've created. In addition to the chat itself, the channel will aggregate any comments that have been left on tasks as well as any updates to the progress of your tasks. This integrated view lets you communicate but also understand your project's overall health in a single feed. Finally, any documents or media you attach to a task will be viewable globally in our files view. This lets you organize all of the assets associated with your project without remembering exactly which task you attached it to.

And that's really it for now. Birtly is about simplicity and speed. Our other help articles go into more detail about some of our unique features, and we're working on bringing more to Birtly that stick with our philosophy of being simple and fast, but still giving your team everything needed to get the work done.

We also have native apps for ios and Android, and downloadable apps for MacOS, Windows, and Linux. We also have chrome and firefox extensions to make it easier to grab ideas on the go. Check out all of our downloadable apps here and find the platform that you need.

We hope that you enjoy using Birtly and growing your team with us. Reach out by email at support@birtly or the support widget on our main site. Here's to getting more done in a simpler faster way.